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With its rosettes of evergreen, spiky and sword-like leaves, the yucca is a versatile and easy-care plant that comes in a wide variety of sizes and shapes.

Malta and Gozo deliveries 7 days a week. We deliver to Gozo daily from Monday to Saturday after 5pm. Express delivery for Malta addresses is also an option.

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With its rosettes of evergreen, spiky and sword-like leaves, the yucca is a versatile and easy-care plant that comes in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. The ideal low-maintenance addition to your living room that can add a dramatic accent to your space, the plant can grow both indoors or outdoors.

Our Deluxe option includes 10 Baci chocolates adding the perfect amount of sweetness to this already delightful gift.

Product Details

Dimensions: ​our yucca is available in two sizes:

Medium – 2 stems – tallest stem reaching 60cm
Large – 3 stems – tallest stem reaching 90cm

Yucca: Plant Guide

Difficulty level: ​this is one tough plant that is hard to kill so it’s easy to maintain.

Light: ​a south-facing window with lots of indirect light is perfect.

Air purifier: ​the ideal indoor air purifier, the plant can eliminate a variety of toxins from the air.

Pet and child-friendly: ​the plant contains steroidal saponins which when ingested in large quantities may cause drooling, vomiting and diarrhoea. Unless your pet or child stays grazing on your yucca, there should not be a problem.

Ideal for: ​housewarming, new office space and any other occasion.

Yucca: Plant Background

Origin: a genus of perennial shrubs and trees in the family Asparagaceae, the yucca counts around 40 to 50 species under its name and it is native to the hot and arid parts of the Americas. It can be found in places ranging from Mexico to Guatemala, from the north to the south-west of the US and as far as the southern parts of Canada. The yucca is also native to some of the Caribbean Islands. This means that the plant has adapted to a variety of climates and can grow in rocky deserts, grassland, mountains, woodland, as well as coastal sands.

Also known as:​ depending on the species, some varieties are also known as banana yucca, Joshua tree, Adam’s needle yucca and aloe yucca amongst others.

Symbolism: the plant is known for representing protection and purity and it was a very important plant to traditional south-western Indian life. In fact, its fruits and roots were often eaten, while its tough fiber was used to weave items like baskets and sandals. ​Its flower is the state flower of New Mexico.

Fun facts: depending on the species, some yuccas have edible fruits, seeds and flowers. The flower petals, in particular, are often blanched and then cooked with tomato onion and chile or added in what is known as tortitas con salsa. On the other hand, the roots although edible are not typically eaten but they are anti-inflammatory.

Yucca: Plant Care

Watering: irrespective of whether you place yours indoors or outdoors, your yucca will need little water and is pretty drought tolerant so don’t worry too much if you’ve forgotten to water it. During the summer months water once a week or so, but make sure that the soil is dry between waterings.

Food: ​a general, all-purpose fertiliser applied once a month in spring and summer is more than enough for your yucca.

Pruning: you may cut off any brown or dead leaves to help your plant look nice and healthy. To prune it simply cut off the top section of a trunk or stem.

Ideal temperature: it can handle a wide range of temperatures, so anywhere between 10 to 35 degrees Celsius is fine.

Avoid: ​placing your yucca under full sunlight since doing so may cause the tips to brown or the leaves may develop white spots. Also, avoid overwatering or it may lead to root rot.

Pests: ​there are no serious insect or disease problems commonly spotted with yuccas, however, your plant may get scale insects and fungal spots on their leaves.


We offer same day delivery all over Malta and Gozo, from Monday to Sunday.

Important Information

Whilst doing our utmost in supplying an identical product to the image provided, sometimes items may be substituted if not in season or unavailable. Our dedicated staff will make sure that the substitution is equivalent to value and quality. Where our designs include a sundry item such as a vase, basket or pot it may not always be possible to deliver the exact item as displayed.

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