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Without a doubt, one of the most easily recognised succulent plants in the world, the Sanseviera is known for its stiff, upright leaves that look like swords.

Malta and Gozo deliveries 7 days a week. We deliver to Gozo daily from Monday to Saturday after 5pm. Express delivery for Malta addresses is also an option.

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Without a doubt, one of the most easily recognised succulent plants in the world, the sanseviera is known for its stiff, upright leaves that look like swords. Architectural with a bold look, the plant fits perfectly with modern and contemporary designs, while its versatility coupled with its ability to thrive in any conditions make it particularly appealing to those who have had little success with growing houseplants.

Our Deluxe option includes 10 Baci chocolates adding the perfect amount of sweetness to this already delightful gift.

Sanseviera: Plant Guide

Difficulty level: ​some of the toughest plants you can get your hands on, the sanseviera is practically indestructible which makes it an easy plant to maintain.

Light: the plant is so versatile that despite preferring medium light it can also tolerate low light levels. As a result, it is often placed in areas such as the bathroom.

Air purifier: among a number of plants tested by NASA to determine which can impede the so-called sick building syndrome, the snake plant has shown to absorb and filter out formaldehyde and nitrogen oxide, while it releases oxygen, particularly during the night, making it a good plant to place in your bedroom.

Pet and child-friendly: ​mildly toxic, if ingested in large quantities the plant may cause nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting to pets and small children alike.

Ideal for: promotions, new office space, housewarming, new beginnings.

Sanseviera: Plant Background

Origin: hailing from South Africa, Madagascar and southern Asia, the snake plant is a genus of around 70 different species of plants that have been cultivated for over 250 years. Available in either its tall, upright variety or the birds nest type, the former which includes the Trifasciata is characterised by its long, thick, stiff leaves that can reach up to 1.20m, whereas varieties like the Hahni tend to have short and compact leaves that are around 10cm. Named after the Italian Prince of Sansevero, Raimondo di Sangro, as a flowering plant the sanseviera produces rose, lilac-red and brownish flowers, while it also bears fruit which looks like red or orange berries.

Also known as:​ mother-in-law’s tongue, snake plant.

Symbolism: originally cultivated in China, the sansevieria was a cherished plant since it was believed that the eight gods of Chinese mythology bestowed their virtues of long life, prosperity, intelligence, beauty, art, poetry, health and strength to anyone who grew the plant.

Fun fact: the plant has several uses in many parts around the world. For instance, in Africa, the leaves are used to create fibres, while certain species are known to have antiseptic qualities so much so that the leaves are used for bandages which are then employed in traditional first aid. On the other hand, in places like Korea, a potted sansevieria is gifted during opening ceremonies of businesses, whereas in Barbados the plant is commonly referred to as the money plant. Lastly, a snake plant has been used to decorate films and TV show sets in both Hollywood and international productions such as Being John Malkovich, Groundhog Day and others.

Sanseviera: Plant Care

Watering: water your snake plant every 2 to 6 weeks depending on your home’s temperature, light levels and humidity, while you must ensure that the soil has completely dried out before watering again. Be particularly cautious when watering during the winter months since overdoing it will lead to rotting.

Food: fertilise during the warmer months of the year with a small amount of good quality fertiliser, such as an organic all-purpose houseplant food.

Pruning: if you would like to tame your mother-in-law’s tongue to reduce its height, you may cut off the tallest leaves all the way to the soil, while smaller or younger leaves are left to continue growing. Ideally, use a knife to cut each individual leaf. The same applies if you would like to eliminate dead leaves.

Ideal temperature: warm conditions is what the sanseviera needs, so any temperature range between 21 and 32 degrees Celsius is ideal.

Avoid: ​cold draughts and temperatures that drop lower than 10 degrees Celsius.

Pests: a relatively pest-free plant, the mother-in-law’s tongue is hardly affected by common pests and fungi, however, if grown in poor conditions then bugs such as mealybugs and spider mites may attack it.


We offer same day delivery all over Malta and Gozo, from Monday to Sunday.

Important Information

Whilst doing our utmost in supplying an identical product to the image provided, sometimes items may be substituted if not in season or unavailable. Our dedicated staff will make sure that the substitution is equivalent to value and quality. Where our designs include a sundry item such as a vase, basket or pot it may not always be possible to deliver the exact item as displayed.

Photography location:​ The Cumberland Boutique Hotel, Valletta, Malta.

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