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Feathery, arching fronds, each with around 100 green leaflets, the chrysalidocarpus’ tropical charm makes it every bit impressive and bold, while its size serves as a great focal point in any room.

Malta and Gozo deliveries 7 days a week. We deliver to Gozo daily from Monday to Saturday after 5pm. Express delivery for Malta addresses is also an option.

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Feathery, arching fronds, each with around 100 green leaflets, the chrysalidocarpus’ tropical charm makes it every bit impressive and bold, while its size serves as a great focal point in any room. Thanks to its ability to adapt well to indoor life and thrive in any setting, it is one of the most sought-after palms.

Our Deluxe option includes 10 Baci chocolates adding the perfect amount of sweetness to this already delightful gift.

Product Details

Dimensions: ​our chrysalidocarpus is available in three sizes:

Medium – 80cm
Large – 140cm
Extra large – 220cm

Chrysalidocarpus: Plant Guide

Difficulty level: ​with the appropriate love and care, this should not be a difficult plant to look after.

Light: bright light is ideal for this palm but avoid direct sunlight and very dark, shady areas.

Air purifier: according to NASA, the areca palm is an excellent plant for purifying the air as it is known to reduce harmful substances, while it adds moisture and increases the amount of oxygen in the space.

Pet and child-friendly: ​the plant is non-toxic to humans and pets alike.

Ideal for: ​job promotion, graduation and housewarming.

Chrysalidocarpus: Plant Background

Origin: a species of flowering plant in the family Arecaceae, the chrysalidocarpus is native to Madagascar but can be found elsewhere in humid tropical forests spanning from the Andaman Islands, Cuba, El Salvador to the Canary Islands, Haiti, Jamaica and other places. It is typically grown as an ornamental plant in gardens, as well as a houseplant in pots. In the wild, it can reach a height of between 6 and 12 metres. What makes the chrysalidocarpus so appealing is its multiple cane-like stems which grow from the root system and produce attractive arching fronds that sport narrow leaflets.

Also known as:​ areca lutescens, chrysalidocarpus lutescens, butterfly palm, yellow palm, golden cane, areca palm.

Symbolism: the areca palm is closely associated with the sun, while it is regarded as a symbol of victory, triumph, freedom, peace, honour, truth and eternal life and as is the case with all palms, their branches symbolise the Roman goddess Nike.

Fun facts: The plant has been awarded the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.

Chrysalidocarpus: Plant Care

Watering: the chrysalidocarpus’ soil should be moist but don’t overdo it. Water regularly, however, allow the soil mix to dry before watering again. The plant also loves humidity, so if your space is somewhat dry, make sure you mist the leaves every so often.

Food: an all-purpose fertiliser every month or so during spring and supper is all it needs.

Pruning: this is a plant that does not need pruning, however, do remove any stems that appear to be dead or damaged. Also, do not clip brown tips since it may cause the frond to stop growing.

Ideal temperature: the plant will thrive in temperatures ranging between 18 to 22 degrees Celsius.

Avoid: placing your areca palm in a dark spot as doing so may lead the leaves to twist upwards. Also, avoid overwatering. Root rot will turn the bottom part of your butterfly palm pink.

Pests: ​red spider mites tend to be a common problem. The pest itself is hard to spot, but you may notice the sticky cobwebs. Use a mild soap spray to get rid of them. Spray the chrysalidocarpus thoroughly and repeat every four to seven days until the pests are completely gone. Areca palms are also vulnerable to pests like aphids, mealy bugs, scale, and whitefly.


We offer same day delivery all over Malta and Gozo, from Monday to Sunday.

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Whilst doing our utmost in supplying an identical product to the image provided, sometimes items may be substituted if not in season or unavailable. Our dedicated staff will make sure that the substitution is equivalent to value and quality. Where our designs include a sundry item such as a vase, basket or pot it may not always be possible to deliver the exact item as displayed.

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